Federal Report on Research and Innovation 2024

All tables from the report, with detailed data on the status as well as on the development of the German research and innovation system, are listed below and are available as PDF files. References are also made to the additional information in the related portal tables, providing longer time series for example.

HTML versions of tables are barrier-free. PDF versions represent for layout reasons partly only current extract of specified time series, whereas in HTML and Excel entire time series are always shown.

Tab 1.1.6

Expenditure on science, research and development by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), by funding areas and funding priorities

Time Series: 2009 - 2024

Data licence Germany attribution 2.0

BuFI 10

Gemeinsame Forschungsförderung durch Bund und Länder 2022 und 2023


BuFI 11

Interne FuE-Aufwendungen des Wirtschaftssektors sowie Anteil der eigenfinanzierten internen FuE-Aufwendungen nach der Wirtschaftsgliederung

Data licence Germany attribution 2.0


Tab 1.5.1

Intramural R&D expenditures of the business enterprise sector and the share of self-financed intramural R&D expenditures, by economic activities

Time Series: 2007 - 2022

Data licence Germany attribution 2.0

BuFI 17

Erstabsolventinnen und Erstabsolventen absolut und Anteil an der altersspezifischen Bevölkerung in Deutschland nach Fächergruppen und Studienbereichen

Data licence Germany attribution 2.0


Tab 1.9.5

First-time graduates, total and percentage of the age-specific population in Germany, by subject groups and study areas (in international demarcation)

Time Series: 2005 - 2023

Data licence Germany attribution 2.0